2025 Notify When Run懶人包,推薦清單整理


Disable Shortcut Automation notifications

I have set up some Wi-Fi Automations on my iPhone and whenever they are running I get a notification. Is there a way to disable these?


notify.run makes it easy to programmatically send notifications to your own phone or desktop. It is provided as a free web service that can be used without ...

All Automations Now Run Immediately In Shortcuts (Notifications ...

Apple has updated the Automations feature in Shortcuts so that triggers can “Run Immediately” rather than the default “Run After Confirmation.”

What Does 'Notify When Run Mean in Shortcuts App on iPhone?

'Notify When Run' is a new toggle in the Shortcuts app for Automations that now allows you to completely disable notifications for most of your Automations.


notify.run lets you send notifications to your own phone or desktop with minimal fuss. This is primarily useful for tracking the progress of long-running ...

How to disable Shortcuts Automation Notifications

Simply open the automation and disable the toggle below “Notify When Run“. Afterwards you wont get any more such notifications! Goodbye Shortcuts notifications.

iOS 15.4 更新捷徑功能,執行時不再彈出通知

iOS 15.4 Beta 更新捷徑功能,新增「執行時通知」(Notify When Run)選項, 讓iPhone 可沒有彈出通知下,啟動捷徑指令 。 iOS 捷徑功能為iPhone 用戶提供更自動化使用體驗,當用戶執行捷徑指令,螢幕上方會彈出通知顯示執行中應用程式捷徑。

Shortcuts adds Notify When Run toggle to hide Automations ...

With the new Notify When Run toggle, Shortcuts users can toggle off the setting to notify them when the shortcut is run, meaning you won't ...

Notify When Run option missing : rshortcuts

I have found it's best to turn off notification when run but add in a notification in the shortcut saying what ever you want like.

No 'Notify when run' toggle for automation upon receiving a ...

When you do not see the option to enable / disable the 'notify when run' toggle, it means it will notify you & you cannot disable that (so far, ...